Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Me, the fairy princess.

Well, if you're wondering, I'm the most BEAUTIFUL fairy princess in ALL the land.


  1. Can a bean burrito still be a fairy and a princess combined? Evolution has come a long way.

  2. Ok, I'm confused. Are you the fairy princess or is DD the fairy princess? (that IS a picture of DD, right? or am I totally wrong?)
    I went to the coolest workshop today. I am going to use what I learned and teach a lesson (don't gag, you will like it) to both you and Harmony and your parents. Can't wait.
    If it is YOU that is a fairy princess, do you use the bean burrito as a means of locomotion - as in gas locomotion? (I reaffirmed today that I have the brain of a 12-year-old boy. Yeah, I went for the fart joke.) That seems to be how I roll.
    Love you, Little Burrito
